Hmmm ... wonder why none of the geniuses at the CNN-FOX-MSNBC fake cable news trifecta aren't covering this story? Not on the "websites" but television coverage that will take precious air time away from their aggenda. Any clues?
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This is ridiculous. I know that some men just feel so uncomfortable around homosexual men - but there was no need for him to beat the crap out of her. I'm glad that I KNOW the cops where I live are decent human beings (my father being one of them). I would never want to live somewhere where the law enforcement discriminates against the people they are meant to protect.
i think its disgusting that this isnt getting the media attention or that a regular story would receive .
It will take them forever to get to this, if ever. She is not a straight man, she's not worthy of anyone's time.
it's disgusting that someone sworn to sewrve and protect can have so muck hate for a person he doesnt even know based on their sexuality/gender. its sad that in this day and age people are still so narrow minded and full of hate. i am glad this got news coverage because a lot of people dont even realize this type of thing happens. if people see it maybe they will realize that hate happens to people in the lgbt community everyday all over the world and it really is disgusting that people harbor that much hate for no reason other than they dont agree with that persons lifestyle
While it probably was understandable they attested him because of prostitution. This still doesn't explain why the police chose to take it to the most hateful measure. I pray Duanna gets all the support and love around him. And as a black woman myself black people need to stick together and stop being half-assed supportive in matters like these.
this is so ridiculous,and uncalled for,we are suppose to feel safe in our coumunitys and this kind of thing happens,,makes me wounder just how safe anyone is anymore.
Wow I had no idea that Memphis news would be so far-reaching. I live in Memphis and I saw it on the news. But everyone I know who has heard about it is completely focusing on the fact that she is a transsexual woman. No one seems to care that she was beaten.
Thanks for sharing this. Sad to say but this comes as no surprise. I'm betting that these "men" are considered good folk by some people in some places... people I hope to never meet in places I wish to never see.
As if the LGBT community doesn't have enough on our plates already! Some things stay the same.... bullies are the biggest pansies. Kudos to Duanna for gettin loud!
Oh my God Sandi this is awful. This should be getting mainstream coverage like any of the other police brutality stories.
That news person who covered this story should be commended. Thanks for posting this. I don't turn on any one of the cable trifecta news stations anymore. When I want fiction I go to the movies.
This makes me sick to my stomach and my heart hurt....its sad I understand everyone makes mistakes as far as crime...but never to get beat and who are they to take it upon themselfs to go to such degree...and to over look it as such is whats know that your story may never be heard but thanks to the web...there are prayers and concerns now...I was in a simular situatiion I was jumped and the cop was my girlfriends cousin as i made the report..he was not really listening i was so beat up i was in the hospital and it was my sister and her boyfriend and his friend...due to me not having sexual actions with her boyfriends friend they jumped me...the cop my girlfriends cousin never made the report i later found out and when I was being harrassed by them again he came to then house saying he is done dealing with it...but nothing as bad as this but it is scarey to think the ones that get payed to keep you safe can be the ones to put you in harm...I pray for you Duanna...I wish the best for you
and they wonder why people say "f*** the police". ive personally experienced how pig headed and demeaning police can be, and ive witnessed them using unnecessary force in more than one instance. something really needs to be done about this...
I think that it is so disturbing that hate crimes like this still exist. Those officers will get whats coming to them.
I recently decided to give up a future career in forensics to go back to writing and become a lobbyist to stop this kind of thing from happening. I'm making a mission to give a voice to people whose voices aren't being heard.
I have seen the good and had the bad and the ugly...Ipray when will this end !
I have seen the good and had the bad and the ugly...I pray when will this end !
Let me just start by saying after viewing this video I was sick. How can someone just walk up like that and strike another human being while they are sitting down? He is some big man that is for sure. Number one he put his hands on her and two when she was seated to where she could not defend herself. I hope he feels all big now. I can not wait for the day that people open their eyes and just see each other as human beings regardless of their sexuality. I am an open lesbian who by first glance I do look like guy. What does it matter if I am or I'm not? I am human just like you. I think it was uncalled for and I hope and pray he gets what he deserves. To the victim, girl hold your head up and be proud of who you are!! You are better than me cause I would have to have beat him down and just sit in jail! God when are people going to open up those minds!!
I read what everyone posted in response to this video and I don't think that 'There is no such thing as any decent human that is a cop.' If you want to go ahead and say that then you are stereotyping and being just as closed-minded and the people you are speaking out against. I know many good cops. Not everyone is out to get you. Granted - there are some cops who discriminate - But there are also waitors/waitresses, clerks, secretaries, bicyclists, teachers, cellists, nurses, and doctors who discriminate. There are people in the LGBT community who discriminate. Discrimination is everywhere - you can't just narrow it down to one field and everyone IN that field. That's discrimination. Therefore, making you sound hypocritical.
Those cops will definitely get theirs. One way or another it will come back to them. They're questioning whether it was a civil crime? This was a hate crime plain and simple.
Personally I'd like to bash that cops face with a steel pipe.
First,I have to say this,I agree with the statement that it is wrong to stereotype a group of people based on a few doing wrong,being a African American I know what this feels like and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.Now with that said,in my lifetime,I've had the miss fortune of being targeted by the police,and in this experience I've actually come across a few decent police officers,I'm sure that the Memphis Police Station has a few too,but what disturbs me the most about this video tape,is that none of them came to the aid of this individual by stopping this officer from commenting such a hateful crime(and there were plenty standing around),so this statement goes out to those decent police officers if you watch something like this and you do nothing(keeping with,the unwritten code amongst police officers),you are no better than hate mongrel commenting these crimes.As for the Memphis Police Department,Not being outraged about this crime.The crime was commented right under surveillance camera,Why would you be so stupid,as to comment this crime in the open,unless you knew ,they wouldn't give a DAMN. Yes there is discrimination everywhere,and none of it is right.
It's amazing how MSNBC especially has bypassed this story. Hell as many breaking news stories they have during the day this should had been top on their list. I guess if this happened in LA, NY, Miami, or any other big named city the hype of this video would had been at great demands.
And to Heaven, you're right. Our black community has properties messed up! Given other circumstances our community been up and yelling on this matter on police brutality. It shouldn't be one way or the other because the person is gay or straight. And while what Duanna was doing was wrong too, it doesn't give the police the right to abuse their authority like this.
Hey Laura.
A bad Cellist or waitress isn't a life or death situation. It's incredibly naive for you to think that there will be or has ever been a cop that isn't dirty.
With that sort of power they all abuse it. I feel so sad for you.
Of course you're going to stick up for cops. Your dad was one?
I feel even worse for you now. It must've been horrible growing up with your dad being a pig cop.
But I hope he abused his power for some perks for you.
I truly feel sorry for her! I hope that God can find it in His heart to forgive them, but yet still punish them. No man has a right to mistreat anyone when they have a lil authority!
That was really messed up. He didnt have to treat her that way. It says alot about his masculenity, I bet he beats his wife, he knew he was stronger then her & he used his badge as a sheild, that shouldve been an open & shut case, & shame on the people who sat & watchd especially that nurse, she should be a shame.
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