Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Why Are You Gay?

People ask me ...

they say, " Sandi-pants ... why are you gay?"

I say, "You have to ask?"

They say, "I need science ..."

I say ... "I've conducted years of observational study."



Anonymous said...

because...as said above, have you seen the female body? day-um.
and because this is how i turned out. and i'm very happy with that (once again, girls are hot)

Anonymous said...


thanks Sandi, youve done it once again!

When peole ask me i usually ask them why they are straight, it usually fucks with their minds for a while.
But what woman wouldnt want to be a lesbian? women are fucking hot!!
And another plus, we know what we like!

Unknown said...

I am gay because God made me that way. Oh yeah and boys are the devil, girls do EVERYTHING better. Also I will have to agree with the rest: Who wouldn't want to be Women have amazing bodies! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Anonymous said...

in the words of Alix Olson, "I've got small hands, they never go limp when i fuck, and I got girl parts myself so I know where's good to suck". I love women, I never wondered why, I just do.

When i see girls, i get a funny feeling in my pants... when i see boys i don't. haha

Anonymous said...

when i get asked why im a lesbian, i normally start off with the "im attracted to women and not men"

then they normally go on to ask why im a dyke/stud/butch/whatever-you-wanna-call-it. From that i normally just say that im more comfertable being masculine.

people still ask when i decided to be a lesbian, and it still makes me giggle. I normally answer with "i decided to be gay about the same time you decided to be straight." most people i assosiate with are okay with the concept of homosexuality, but some still think that its a choice, or something that you decide to be.

but most people are just curious, and they just ask out of that curiousity. which to me is totally fine, id rather deal with that then ignorent people who ask just so they can say your wrong.

Random L. McFarland said...

Hey all, Brave & Crazy Here:

Why am I gay?
I am what I am: I have always been this way. It is all I've known.
Think about it .... I am a woman who responds to the scent of a woman. Who responds sensually, sexually and energetically to the the female form.
My intimacy, my spirit points me towards women, It is SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL. It is because we are women that it exists this fusion.
I am gay there for I am......

Rainbowtoxicity said...

I'm a lesbian because #1 I have to agree with all the ladies here, women ARE hot! #2 Women know how to please a woman. There is not one spot onthe female body that I dont know that would turn them on. Lastly but most definately, who in their right mind wouldn't like waking up next to a gorgeous woman!? Have you noticed how many more Bi-sexual women there are now? Slowly more and more girls are realizing that women are the best! Soon enough we'll have taken over the world! *cue maniacle laughter*


Anonymous said...

LMAO! ! ! Definitely a good explanation for being gay! This is a scientific breakthrough. Who finds these guys desireable?

Thanks for the laughs SandiPants. Love your blog. Never stop.

Anonymous said...

I dont believe in God, or that he 'made' me gay or that i was born this way, or that i chose to be this way...
Its just like: I dont like pumpkin, I dont like the colour green and I dont like susi.
I just like to keep things simple. If ppl ask me why Im gay, I ask them why they bought that shirt.

Anonymous said...

im gay because the sensuality of a woman ... aint nothing more sexy! ... the softness in thier kiss.. and i cant front ... im addicted to the taste!! seriously ADDICTED!! lol ... mwah xxoxx

Krazyfeline said...

OMG, am I really up at 7am writing this? I am so sick of this question and all the "why this" questions about being gay. Men never accept the fact I'm gay and its become impossible to find a man just for a friend that wont ever want more, or to "make you straight". I usually tell them "I feel pretty much the same way you do when looking at an attractive woman." I dont get that feeling "down there" with men. Never have. I am very fem, and it seems that its harder for guys to accept that I'm gay, but why should I have to dress like a man cause I pefer women? This world seems to want to put laws, limits and rules to everything. I AM ME SO ACCEPT IT. Curiousity is one thing with people, but at least 80% of the people that ask me these questions want to change me in some way.

Anonymous said...

Why? cause first I petted the kitty and it purred.
Then I licked the kitty and it
licked it,poked it, and liked it....thats why I think I'm a Lezbo.

Unknown said...

i am gay because God made me that way!
and from my understanding...He does not make any mistakes right?

i see that someone else has the same response as me...or i as them...but that goes to show you that it is true!

i love women...and everything about them
the smell...the taste...just the company

women are sooo clean...and lesbians seem to be the cleanest...when we are about to have sex...or even not...we do not have to tell someone to go and wash their nasty stinkin ball sacks...

ha ha ha

Unknown said...

i am gay because God made me that way!
and from my understanding...He does not make any mistakes right?

i see that someone else has the same response as me...or i as them...but that goes to show you that it is true!

i love women...and everything about them
the smell...the taste...just the company

women are sooo clean...and lesbians seem to be the cleanest...when we are about to have sex...or even not...we do not have to tell someone to go and wash their nasty stinkin ball sacks...

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I don't think about WHY I am gay because I don't think.... and when I do think it's about breasts, and THAT is why I am a leader.

Anonymous said...

Why am I gay? Why are straight women straight? Who cares about pleasing a man....ugh. You know you're a lesbian when you've got a woman on her back moaning with a heaving chest and realize someone must have turned a faucet on between your legs. Well..you also figure it out when you get a crush on your third grade teacher who just happens to be a woman.

I don't give a s*@! what anyone else says....women are the most dominant creatures...the most beautiful, sensual, and complex. Why wouldn't you want to be a part of that?

I am feminine...and some men don't believe that I am actually gay. They think the "real lesbians" are masculine. Just shows you how ignorant they are...do they really think that just because a woman has short hair and dresses in men's clothing that when you take all that off there isn't tits and everything else underneath. Some women feel more comfortable looking masculine. Doesn't mean us femmes are any less "gay."

It's who I am...women are what I sexually desire without thinking.
I am a woman who couldn't resist a beautiful woman even if I wanted to. Period.

I ain't changing.

Anonymous said...

Cos i love Boobies....they're soft and squishy

Anonymous said...

I love everything about a woman from her head to her toe. I love the pleasure that i recieve and in return can give. Its also a sense of PRIDE that comes along with the territory. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sandi R

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well i certainly agree with everyone that girls are hott but i don't believe that's the reason for me being gay. it's not just physical and emotional attraction. i feel it deeply in my soul and my heart and to be completely honest i hate being asked questions about my sexuality for me it's the same as going around and asking ppl so why are u indian or why are you tall or why are u a boy/girl. it's just one part of you and for me being gay feels so natural that i didn't ever have to come out to my friends and family they still tell me i haven't changed a bit. my parents knew before i did that i was gay like yeah i had crushes on girls n all that but i never really thought anything of it. and i think that goes to show that being gay is different for everyone.

all of the hits. none of the time. said...

i agree with the said statements. women are WAY more sexy then men, really. woman are funny and cute and men...testosterone dripping, greesy ass monkeys that dont have enough blood for both heads. its kinda sad.

Anonymous said...

When I was 11, a little girl walked into my Sunday school class and I thought, "I'm going to marry her!"
I never pictured having a husband and kids running around and the white picket fence, I just pictured her.
My wife is the most wonderful person I've ever met and I can't picture my life without her. Because of her, I was able to finally be happy in my own skin and stop hating myself for what I was. What I am.
So why am I gay? Because Sunday school made me that way! :-)

Anonymous said...

All of my social research--compiled over years in various parts of the world (and various parts of women)--indicates that my juices get flowin' for the chicks, not the dicks. Obviously, this is hard work, this kind of scientific exploration, but I assure you, I don't mind taking one for the team in this instance. Not a problem at all. I'm nothing if not willing to help out. So, given that this is a lifelong situation (I pretty much knew I was headed to Gayville by the time I was 4), the only logical conclusion one can reach is that yep, I'm a big ol' lezzie, nanny boo boo. (SWEEEEET!)

Anonymous said...

I am What I am and that is all I can Hope to be I was born this way and besides that a woman's body id far more sexy than any mans could eva be and by the look of things ^^^ there every otha gay female pretty much agrees with me

LisaLynn74 said...

OH MY GOD!! That video was SCARY!! That would be enough to send any sensible woman who was wondering if she was gay right into the deep end of wonderful lesbian love!

Anonymous said...

We are who we are! when i was a kid i fell in love with corvettes, why, i found out, they look like woman (the shape). and after having both, i really felt the attraction!! but a woman knows what a woman wants, thus, we know how to love n please each other. im in a relationship, and when i first met my woman she was married, i listned to her bitch about her man, i laffed and told her i came with a 20 minute or less garuntee....she thot i was joking...but soon proved i dont kid around about that!! anyways...woman are just better for woman to be with!!

Anonymous said...

It is easier for a female to connect with another female mentally emotionally and physically... A female knows what a female wants and sex with females stimulates me in ways I never thought possible Its a connection in more ways than one and I LOVE IT!!!!... THANK GOD FOR FEMALES BUT PRAISE GOD FOR LESBIAN FEMALES....

Anonymous said...

The reason why im gay because women turn me on in a special way sometimes it can be how they dress how they hair look they eyes lips the way they walk talk and havin that sexy ass body and sometimes its they personality plus smile mmm..... I LOVE WOMEN

Anonymous said...

i choose to be a lesbian because i can relate to women and plus I just love women!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is my reason for queerness 2! lol
lord help straight chix.

u rock Sandi!

Anonymous said...

The reason why im gay because women turn me on in a special way sometimes it can be how they dress how they hair look they eyes lips the way they walk talk and havin that sexy ass body and sometimes its they personality plus smile mmm..... I LOVE WOMEN

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The reason I'm gay is because I couldn't continue to live a lie. I got tired of being what eveyone else wanted me to be. It wasn't fair to me or my children. I love women and everything about them. What else can I say?

Anonymous said...

Because i have a body hair phobia !!!!!!

Ez-E said...

I am gay because any other way would simply not suffice. "I can resist anything but temptation." --Wilde

Great post and great blog. :)

Mona said...

Because its me. I can't and won't change me. Womyn make me feel like..... you know. No other!!

Anonymous said...

i ask that question 4 25yrs.lol i love to be gay <..im unique from alot of people and theres nothing they can do about it.being gay is a very sensual and sexy thing,and that i love.theres alot of good reasons . this 1 i like.

Anonymous said...

breasts. glorious, beautiful, sensual breasts. And curves. I just LOOOOVE the curves of a woman's body. I love a little teeny waist and shapely (not necessarily large!) breasts. And mile long Uma Thurman legs. Yum! Soft lady lips. These are a few of my favorite things.......I guess that makes me pretty fuckin' queer, huh? Yyyeeaahh......men; been there, done that, didn't like it. They don't have any of the aforementioned qualities. Plus I just kept falling in love with girls--that's the part that makes me really, really gay. So after waiting far too long, I just quit men all together. Who wants to caress a man's chest, or suck cock? Not me! I just never really did. But man, I could stay down in the honeyjar forever!!!!! And I like rainbows....lol!

Anonymous said...

We're gay for the same reasons SandiPants! LMAO!
I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

will sandi im not gay or a lesbian or bisexual i dont have i title to my self im just a women who love to expirence knew things with other womens and i love it i
have alot of love for a women and their special touch i love women and my mens to but im more attractive to womans.......good bye rose 4 you sandi ())~%~~

Unknown said...

Why not be gay? It's a societal construct that choosing someone of the opposite sex is the only option. In reality, love often happens regardless of the exterior package. Even limiting yourself to being gay is a little narrow in my opinion. It just helps us categorize one another, I suppose. I believe sexuality exists on a spectrum, and throughout ones life they occupy different points of the spectrum. I can attest to that. As a teen, I dated men mostly because I didn't know better. But once my mind expanded and my sexuality matured I preferred women.

I prefer a specific kind of woman...one that is complex, confident, introspective, curvy, adventurous, soft, and spiritually in-tune.

It is a type of woman I like, not ALL women. Just like not all straight men like all straight women. We are all seeking a soulmate, and I find that connection to be strongest with women.

Anonymous said...

why am i gay i just love ladys

Anonymous said...

I believe that is it a choice...I am gay because I chose to be happy. I have a choice to hide my true feelings or to accept myself for who I am.
There is a chemical, physical reaction when you are attracted to someone...I am very feminine and that can throw people, but I am physically, chemically, mentally, emotionally, attracted to women.

I am proud to be a woman and I am proud to be lesbian....I am gay because its the only choice I want to live with

Anonymous said...

I never know how to answer, so I just ask "Why are you straight?" in response. I think it's a couple of things though; at the most basic level, women are *hot*. And I love boobs. And men are gross, overbearing, abusive, evil, nasty, and just plain ick. (( I hate men,//Though roosters they I will not play the hen! )) And I LOVE rainbows.

Aside from that, I don't know how to really say. I just love the company of women - they're so funny and creative and artistic and wonderful... They comfort you when you cry, they'll cuddle with you all night without pushing for sex, they're so soft and wonderful to hold. So delicate and gentle. Women are just wonderful, really, and I know I've overused that word, but I have no other way to think of to explain it. I just prefer the company of women in general and especially intimately.

Really, I'm gay because I am. It's who I am. And I will never change, no matter what the closed minds of the ruling generation try to do.

cupkake said...

i think it just happened.. lol, i fell in love with the most beautiful girl i have ever seen, my best friend. not to mention, guys are very unattractive. very. and the hair.. what's with all the hair? it's disgusting. blah. plus, i like boobs. i'm a boob girl. manda's boobs.. mm

Anonymous said...

Hey there all, Jubie here. I don't agree or disagree with any of what's been written here. Tho I would like to point out, the video just below Sandi's blog on this very subject clearly illustrates one very good reason why some of us decide that to remain hidden is totally unacceptable. Think of what we would've consigned ourselves to: Unhappiness at the hands of those tactless, hairy, knuckle-dragging neanderthals who make us cringe when we think of their paws on women! Ugh!!! Makes me wanna wretch...

We exist because we're supposed to, just like straight, bi, or trans people. Don't listen to those religious fanatics who've ruined the world with their hetero-centric bullshit! Hetero isn't the only way to be. There's also homo, bi, and trans. How about intersexed? The world is a rainbow. I am not gay because of how beautiful women are. I am homo because hetero is but one way to be, and I....am not that way. Btw, while we're on the subject (LOL!!) women ARE beautiful. I love the way they smell, feel, taste, and especially when they touch....me. YEAH BABY!

Anonymous said...

im gay because i love the way a woman smells i love their bodys mostly everything about them.

Anonymous said...

becouse the ladys make me happy men made me this away

Anonymous said...

Ew. Just ew.

I believe that girls are the more advanced version of the species.
