Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Murdered for Yelling (Surveillance video)

So I just watched this video, and it's amazing to me because I'm seeing one thing, and the guy narrating is saying something completely different. He's exaggerating Carol Anne Gotbaum's behavior, and underplaying the insanity I'm seeing before my eyes. I love how he says, "They had no alternative."
..... but to what? Trample her? Put their knees in her back? Tackle a 110lb woman to the ground?

They made up some crap about her saying she doesn't like Americans?


She's from the upper West Side in New York City and her husband is the son of city labor leader Victor Gotbaum, and the stepson of his wife, Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, who might be running for mayor here in 2009. These are well known and respected people.

So the betch was having a fit. What the fuck ever! Airlines can, and do, sell your ticket if you're late, which should be illegal. That's gambling!

The video skips while she's on the ground.

They never released the brain, heart or neck to the coroner that the family hired.

They choked this betch to death in that cell, be sure of that.


Anonymous said...

This whole planet is going to shit. Everyone, get your post-apocalyptic tribes ready!

That poor woman. Anyone who lays a hand on a woman in my PA tribe gets his fingers used as a wishbone at our annual feast.

Anonymous said...

this makes absolutely no sense. it is impossible to strangle yourself the way the police r saying.people need to wake up and realize that cops r just people,which makes them just as fallible as the rest of us. what happened to protect & serve. i get that it's a hard job but it's also a fu*kin choice. no one is forced to become cop. anothher example of how power corrupts.

Anonymous said...

Is there gonna be another demonstration? Let me know I'm THERE!

Anonymous said...

What happened to this woman is a shame. She was obviously out of her mind. Police do have a very tough job, we've had 3 killed in the line of duty in the last couple of months alone(I am from Phoenix).
What bothers me most about all of this is this woman has a history of mental and alcohol probs, all of this known to her family. WHY DID THEY LET HER TRAVEL ACROSS COUNTRY BY HERSELF???
If you have ever been handcuffed behind your back and chained to a bench you could understand how something this off the wall as strangling yourself trying to get out of it could happen. Remember this was a woman out of control.
Why and for what purpose would the police have for strangling her?? No tasers were used, if they were out to just physically harm her those would have been used!
For every action there is a reaction.....The "family" shouldv'e been there for her and with her not just stick her on a plane and hope for the best.
We weren't there, no witness has stepped up to say excessive force was used. To the contrary they back what the police say.
Blame starts with the her FAMILY, put it where it belongs!!

Anonymous said...

What happened to this woman is disgusting. I pray for her children. How can an arrest of this young mother who is so small lead to this disgusting outcome? If it was our mother or sister or daughter maybe we would care but it's not. These 3 beefy cops totally were did not need to do what they did to her. I can't even watch that tape all the way through.

Police brutality in air ports is out of control. Police brutality period, is out of control. Disgusting. Unfortunate for these guys, this woman was connected to important people, not the usual rif raff, and they will thoroughly investiage these guys. I hope they lose their jobs and end up in WalMart.

Anonymous said...

Great post and your correct that is messed up...funny we are not hearing much on the news about the story now....a few days ago I saw another story on the news and now you hear nothing about it....i can't even find anything on the net about the lesbian army soldier who was found executed on base in front of a Chaplin's tent, it had happened on a base in Afghanistan,apparently her family had said the female soldier was a lesbian and was conveying to her family that there were "bad"things happening on base...poof then she is dead? now there is a news black out ...obviously....let me know if you can find anything else on the story or at least the story 'cause there is nothing on the net to be found. Thank you,L . A .

Anonymous said...

A Footnote to my comment from Phoenix. I am Bipolar with Borderline Personality Disorder, I have been as "crazy" as this woman was behaving, and on the inside of mental institutions. Do any of you know what was really in this womans mind?? Have you ever seen the strength a person out of control has?? I drive the city bus for a living and see mentally disturbed people everyday and what they are capapble of.
I am A 10 year clean Meth addict, that has been arrested and handcuffed and shackled, this is not so far fetched. When arrested did what A "normal person" would do Behave in a civilized manner and deal with it in the courts.
What bothers me most is that just because this woman comes from "something" theres a entitlement to act the way she did? She was sick mentally. It will be interesting to see what toxicology turns up, though no doubt some over you will continue to believe the BIG COVER UP theory.
As a mother of 3 I do feel for her kids, but my FAMILY was there for me and helped and guided me through my recovery and rehab. Can that be said for hers that were across the country and left a mentally dispondant person on their own?

The Lesbian Female soldier killed warrants far more attention and concern, that is where our anger she be aimed!! Please pass on info about that.....

Anonymous said...

ok so I see some people think the police did nothing wrong...let me tell you first way can a person strangle themselves while handcuffed. Wake the fuck up! What do you propose she strangled herself with? Her spare set of hands? As far as mental illness is concerned...who the hell isn't mentally disturbed to some degree? As far as her family being halfway across the you really think ever person with drug, alcochol and mental illness problems should be babysat at every given moment? Wake up people. This is just yet another case of some fucked up cop that didn't get enough love as a child or needs a good lay.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandi,

I got your posting about your blog, so I went there to check it out. I saw your post about the girl saying that gays are gross.
So, of course I had to check out her page. I ended up sending her a message which I copied and pasted below. I hope you enjoy:

Subject: You are ignorant!

Body: Ok, for beginners, your title should read better THAN you Not better then you. Also, you're from Chicago, Illinois, but you don't know how to spell Illinois? Do you know how to properly pronounce it? I doubt it!
Then, you say that Jesus is your hero, but according to the comments on your page you sound like a lying, stealing party girl, who doesn't even care about her closest friends. Plus, you sent a message to a friend of mine saying that gays are gross! Now all that isn't very Christ-like! Jesus taught love, acceptance, and understanding. No where will you see any reference in the Bible of Christ condemning gay people. Instead, he said "love your neighbor as yourself"! and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"! Oh, and my absolute favorite when it comes to homophobes, "Do NOT JUDGE, lest YE BE JUDGED for ALL sin is EQUAL in the eyes of God"! So, in other words, your lying to your friends and stealing from them is the same as me (a woman) loving a woman!
So, now, how do you like those apples?

Anonymous said...

How can someone strangle themselves in handcuffs?
You are handcuffed behind your back sitting on a bench which is then attached to a chain approx 3 foot long that is attached to a bolted ring in the floor. Been there, done that!
Husband calls airport to say she is suicidal.....She needed a babysitter! With all her money and affluent family nobody could take the time to go with her. Yes that is a terrible thing!
Has anyone found out more on the soldier that was killed? She was serving all of us over there, doing her job. Killed for what she was, what many of us are. Her family wasn't given chance to be there for her, the least we can do is show her the same if not more respect then someone that was breaking the law.
I will post no more on the "airport murder" It all speaks for itself.
How about topics like Child Abuse, Immigration and Equal Rights, something that affects the whole country??!!

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, I actually came to a website where they are not blaming Carol for her own death. Maybe there is a God after all. And personally I think she was accidentally killed and that the cops then panicked. No one in their right mind would have came up with the she strangled herself with her own handcuff theory. And if my theory is correct and that the originator of that story is crazy then according to the laws of Arizona that person should also be killed for being of not right mind.