Friday, December 28, 2007

Sober Thoughts (Warning: Not for the funny seeker)

When writing a check to the American Cancer Society we hardly imagine where the money is really going ... straight into some fat cats pocket, affording them a nice comfy jet to take them on exotic vacations.

Cancer isn't just a medical issue. It's embroiled in politics, religion, economic issues, and endless beurocracy. The people affected have lost not only their hair, and firmness, but their earning ability. They often end up living in poverty, exacerbating their suffering. Coping physically, psychologically, emotionally, socially, with family, friends, dailyness, quality of life ... cancer's insidious destructiveness is without end. It attacks the spirit first, then everything else.

Close to 200,000 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer this year, in the U.S. alone. That is nearly double the amount of new HIV cases. Double! About 23,000 will be diagnosed with Ovarian cancer. Close to 21,000 people will be diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, 15,000 of them will be women.

Women should be twice as terrified as anyone is of contracting HIV. The risks are a alarmingly higher.

Why don't we have a moment of silence at the beginning of the gay parade for all of the lesbians living with, and who have died from cancer right after the HIV moment, is a question I ask with some resentment. "Women" means Lesbians too.

The thing about cancer is ... it's always, the neighbors mom, or your very old uncle, or someone else's friend who get's it. And of course it's tragic, and you feel terrible for them ... but ... it's never You. They just happen to be really unlucky people that you feel really bad for. Not really. Those bald, weak, women had a life just as fun filled as anyone's.
She's one of them:

If you do ever feel the urge to get involved there is an amazing organization I'd like to make you guys aware of:

I know some of us run "from" this type of thing, and some of us run "to" ... for those of you who are interested. Give them a look up, and if you care to, spread the word, consider it your good deed for the day.

Drinking, smoking, and obesity are just a few things you can moderate to lower your risks. Exercise reduces inflammation everywhere in the body, it's a good start and can only help. There isn't any solid solution unfortunately, and these know nothing know it all doctors, aren't going to give you any answers either.

And get your mammo's. Your baseline mammogram is supposed to happen when you are 30. It should be younger. The follow up is at 35, and then every year after you turn 40. You should demand a sonogram as well, it is well known that mammo's are an incomplete and inferior method of detecting anything.

And everyone says it, but early detection is key. Look how good Kylie looks! What a fox!

Best wishes of health, happiness, and peace in 08.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Why Are You Gay?

People ask me ...

they say, " Sandi-pants ... why are you gay?"

I say, "You have to ask?"

They say, "I need science ..."

I say ... "I've conducted years of observational study."


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Murdered for Yelling (Surveillance video)

So I just watched this video, and it's amazing to me because I'm seeing one thing, and the guy narrating is saying something completely different. He's exaggerating Carol Anne Gotbaum's behavior, and underplaying the insanity I'm seeing before my eyes. I love how he says, "They had no alternative."
..... but to what? Trample her? Put their knees in her back? Tackle a 110lb woman to the ground?

They made up some crap about her saying she doesn't like Americans?


She's from the upper West Side in New York City and her husband is the son of city labor leader Victor Gotbaum, and the stepson of his wife, Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, who might be running for mayor here in 2009. These are well known and respected people.

So the betch was having a fit. What the fuck ever! Airlines can, and do, sell your ticket if you're late, which should be illegal. That's gambling!

The video skips while she's on the ground.

They never released the brain, heart or neck to the coroner that the family hired.

They choked this betch to death in that cell, be sure of that.